Choosing the Right Website Design & Development Technology

Choosing your website development technology is a major key component in designing an effective website. Whether you decide to do it yourself or higher a professional, I recommend that you use development tools that will allow you to make simple changes to your website any time that you like.

If you understand how to use Microsoft FrontPage or Adobe Dreamweaver, then you shouldn’t have any problems designing, developing and making changes to your website. However, if you don’t, I recommend using the WordPress Personal Publishing Technology.

wordpress-2-7-1It’s free and it has lots of cool features that are very easy to use. It is also one of the industry leading technologies for blogging, article writing and website content management. In addition, it has built-in features for SEO (Search Engine Optimization), RSS Feed Syndication, Podcasting & Online Video.

In my opinion, the new 2.7.1 release is one of the best and easiest tools in the marketplace for designing and developing effective websites and blogs.

– Also check: The Development Services From Sandcastle Web Design.

WordPress is a state-of-the-art publishing platform with a focus on aesthetics, web standards, and usability. WordPress is both free and priceless at the same time.

jonnthomas-website-image1More simply, WordPress is what you use when you want to work with your blogging and content management software, not fight it.

In addition to providing you with the freedom and flexibility of developing your own website, there are 1,000s of free themes and templates for you to use to get started.

As well as, a wide variety of free add-ons that improve the overall functionality and marketing effectiveness of your website.

Visit their website at for a free copy or use the following link to contact us and we will help you get started.

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